posts tagged 'thematic mapping'

introducing OpenLayers Symbology

a JavaScript library for thematic mapping in OpenLayers

At last October’s NACIS Practical Cartography Day I gave a very sweaty presentation that was later described as bewildering and incoherent.  I had always meant to partially redeem myself by packaging and cleaning up the code that formed the basis of that talk.  And here it is!
OL-Symbology is [...]

Noncontiguous cartograms in OpenLayers and Polymaps

I’m happy to be doing less Flash and more JavaScript development these days. In particular, I’ve been investigating two open-source JavaScript web mapping platforms: one old, OpenLayers, and one new, Polymaps.
OpenLayers has been around a while, but still performs remarkably well as a slippy map framework while allowing easy thematic map customization. Polymaps is [...]


Axis Maps (Andy, Ben, Dave, Mark, and I) just released indiemapper, a sweet browser-based thematic and reference mapping application.

For some more indie maps, check out our gallery. To try it out, just head over to you can sign up for a free 30 day trial without entering a credit card; after your trial, [...]