posts tagged 'choropleth'

introducing OpenLayers Symbology

a JavaScript library for thematic mapping in OpenLayers

At last October’s NACIS Practical Cartography Day I gave a very sweaty presentation that was later described as bewildering and incoherent.  I had always meant to partially redeem myself by packaging and cleaning up the code that formed the basis of that talk.  And here it is!
OL-Symbology is [...]


Axis Maps (Andy, Ben, Dave, Mark, and I) just released indiemapper, a sweet browser-based thematic and reference mapping application.

For some more indie maps, check out our gallery. To try it out, just head over to you can sign up for a free 30 day trial without entering a credit card; after your trial, [...]

the first thematic maps

Below’s a quick outline of the first maps created with six common cartographic symbologies. All of the below is out there, in books, articles, and blog posts. Particularly helpful are Alan MacEachren’s 1979 article The Evolution of Thematic Cartography, Arthur Robinson’s Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography (1982), Borden Dent’s thematic cartography [...]